
[in-vin-suh-buh l] /ɪnˈvɪn sə bəl/

incapable of being conquered, defeated, or subdued.
insuperable; insurmountable:
invincible difficulties.
incapable of being defeated; unconquerable
unable to be overcome; insuperable: invincible prejudices

early 15c., from Middle French invincible (14c.) or directly from Latin invincibilis “unconquerable,” from in- “not” (see in- (1)) + vincibilis “conquerable,” from vincere “to overcome” (see victor). Related: Invincibly. Noun meaning “one who is invincible” is from 1630s. Invincible ignorance is from Church Latin ignorantia invincibilis (Aquinas). Related: Invincibly.

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