[in-reeth ] /ɪnˈrið/
verb (used with object), inwreathed, inwreathing.
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[in-rawt] /ɪnˈrɔt/ adjective 1. worked in or closely combined with something. 2. or worked with something by way of decoration. 3. Archaic. or worked in, as a decorative pattern. /ˌɪnˈrɔːt/ adjective 1. worked or woven into material, esp decoratively 2. (rare) blended with other things
- In your dreams
interjection you wish! Usage Note slang
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[in-yoo r-feys] /ˈɪnˌyʊərˈfeɪs/ adjective, Informal. 1. involving confrontation; defiant; provocative. adjective 1. (slang) aggressive and confrontational: provocative in-your-face activism adjective Confrontational; hostile; impudent; sassy: We’re just playing in-your-face football, and we feel we can stand up to anybody/ verbal mud-wallowing that proudly wears its in-your-face machismo smut/ takes its title from ”Seasons in the Sun,” […]
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[ee-oh] /ˈi oʊ/ noun, plural ios. 1. a small hawk, Buteo solitarius, having two plumage phases and occurring only on the island of Hawaii, where it is a rare species and the only living indigenous bird of prey. [ahy-oh, ee-oh] /ˈaɪ oʊ, ˈi oʊ/ noun, plural Ios. 1. . [ahy-oh, ee-oh] /ˈaɪ oʊ, ˈi oʊ/ […]