[ahy-uh-dahyd, -did] /ˈaɪ əˌdaɪd, -dɪd/
noun, Chemistry.
a salt of hydriotic acid consisting of two elements, one of which is iodine, as , NaI.
a compound containing iodine, as methyl iodide.
a salt of hydriodic acid, containing the iodide ion, I–
a compound containing an iodine atom, such as methyl iodide, CH3I
from comb. form of iodine + -ide.
iodide i·o·dide (ī’ə-dīd’)
A compound of iodine with a more electropositive element or group.
A chemical compound consisting of iodine together with another element or radical.
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[ahy-uh-dahyn, -din; in Chemistry also ahy-uh-deen] /ˈaɪ əˌdaɪn, -dɪn; in Chemistry also ˈaɪ əˌdin/ noun, Chemistry. 1. a nonmetallic halogen element occurring at ordinary temperatures as a grayish-black crystalline solid that sublimes to a dense violet vapor when heated: used in medicine as an antiseptic. Symbol: I; atomic weight: 126.904; atomic number: 53; specific gravity: […]