
[ahy-uh-nahyz] /ˈaɪ əˌnaɪz/

verb (used with object), ionized, ionizing.
to separate or change into .
to produce in.
verb (used without object), ionized, ionizing.
to become changed into the form of , as by dissolving.
a person or thing that ionizes, esp an electrical device used within a room to refresh its atmosphere by restoring negative ions
to change or become changed into ions

1896, from ion + -ize. Related: Ionized; ionizing.

ionize i·on·ize (ī’ə-nīz’)
v. i·on·ized, i·on·iz·ing, i·on·iz·es
To dissociate atoms or molecules into electrically charged atoms or radicals.
i’on·iz’er n.

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