[ahy-on-tuh-fuh-ree-sis] /aɪˌɒn tə fəˈri sɪs/
a painless alternative to drug injection in which a weak electrical current is used to stimulate drug-carrying ions to pass through intact skin.
(biochem) a technique for studying neurotransmitters in the brain by the application of experimental solutions to the tissues through fine glass electrodes
iontophoresis i·on·to·pho·re·sis (ī-ŏn’tə-fə-rē’sĭs)
The use of an electric current to introduce the ions of a medicament into bodily tissues. Also called ionization.
i·on’to·pho·ret’ic (-rět’ĭk) adj.
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noun, Physics. 1. any device used to prevent ions in an electron beam from striking other apparatus, especially in mass spectrometry. ion trap A device, such as a magnet, used to prevent ions in an electron beam from striking another apparatus, such as a cathode-ray tube screen, which could cause it to lose luminescence.
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1. Independent Order of Odd Fellows. abbreviation 1. Independent Order of Oddfellows Independent Order of Odd Fellows
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1. Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
- Iop
1. input output processor 2. intraocular pressure