
[ahy-ruh] /ˈaɪ rə/

a male given name: from a Hebrew word meaning “watchful.”.
Infrared Astronomical Satellite, a pioneering international earth-orbiting satellite that during 1983 made an all-sky survey at infrared wavelengths
Irish Republican Army

masc. proper name, from Hebrew, literally “watchful,” from stem of ‘ur “to awake, to rouse oneself.”
individual retirement account
Irish Republican Army

citizen; wakeful. (1.) A Tekoite, one of David’s thirty warriors (2 Sam. 23:26). (2.) An Ithrite, also one of David’s heroes (2 Sam. 23:38). (3.) A Jairite and priest, a royal chaplain (2 Sam. 20:26) or confidential adviser (comp. 2 Sam. 8:18; 1 Chr. 18:17).

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