[ahy-ruh-siz-uh m] /ˈaɪ rəˌsɪz əm/
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[ahy-ruh-sahyz] /ˈaɪ rəˌsaɪz/ verb (used with object), Iricized, Iricizing. (sometimes lowercase). Also, especially British, Iricise 1. .
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International Research Institute for Climate Prediction
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[ahy-rid] /ˈaɪ rɪd/ noun 1. any plant belonging to the Iridaceae, the iris family. 1. variant of before a vowel: iridectomy.
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[ir-i-dey-shuh s, ahy-ri-] /ˌɪr ɪˈdeɪ ʃəs, ˌaɪ rɪ-/ adjective 1. belonging to the Iridaceae family of plants. /ˌɪrɪˈdeɪʃəs; ˌaɪ-/ adjective 1. of, relating to, or belonging to the Iridaceae, a family of monocotyledonous plants, including iris, crocus, and gladiolus, having swordlike leaves and showy flowers
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[ir-i-dek-tuh-mahyz, ahy-ri-] /ˌɪr ɪˈdɛk təˌmaɪz, ˌaɪ rɪ-/ verb (used with object), iridectomized, iridectomizing. Surgery. 1. to perform an on.