iridocyclochoroiditis ir·i·do·cy·clo·cho·roid·i·tis (ĭr’ĭ-dō-sī’klō-kôr’oi-dī’tĭs, ī’rĭ-)
Inflammation of the iris, the ciliary body, and the choroid.
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/ˈɪrɪdəʊˌsaɪt/ noun 1. (zoology) a guanine-containing cell in the skin of fish and some cephalopods, giving these animals their iridescence
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iridodiastasis ir·i·do·di·as·ta·sis (ĭr’ĭ-dō-dī-ās’tə-sĭs, ī’rĭ-) n. A defect of the peripheral border of the iris with an intact pupil.