an underground Irish nationalist organization founded to work for Irish independence from Great Britain: declared illegal by the Irish government in 1936, but continues activity aimed at the unification of the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.
Abbreviation: IRA, I.R.A.
a militant organization of Irish nationalists founded with the aim of striving for a united independent Ireland by means of guerrilla warfare IRA
Irish Republican Army (IRA)
A secret organization in Ireland that originally fought for Irish independence from Britain. After the division of Ireland in the early twentieth century into Northern Ireland, which remained united with Britain, and the Irish Free State, now called the Republic of Ireland, the IRA took as its goal the uniting of the entire island under the Republic. The IRA continues to pursue this goal; membership, however, is illegal in the Republic, and the IRA’s Provisional Wing has practiced terrorism. (See Sinn Fein.)
Read Also:
- Irish-sea
noun 1. a part of the Atlantic between Ireland and England. noun 1. an arm of the North Atlantic Ocean between Great Britain and Ireland
- Irish-setter
noun 1. one of an Irish breed of setters having a golden-chestnut or mahogany-red coat. noun 1. a breed of setter developed in Ireland, having a flat soft brownish-red coat Also called red setter
- Irish-stew
noun 1. a stew usually made of mutton, lamb, or beef, with potatoes, onions, etc. noun 1. a white stew made of mutton, lamb, or beef, with potatoes, onions, etc
- Irish-terrier
noun 1. one of an Irish breed of terriers having a dense, wiry, reddish coat. noun 1. a breed of terrier with a wiry wheaten or reddish coat
- Irish-tweed
noun 1. a sturdy woolen fabric of light warp and dark filling, made in Ireland and used in suits and coats. 2. any tweed made in Ireland.