Iron meteorite
a meteorite that is composed mainly of iron and nickel
iron meteorite
See under meteorite.
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- Iron-mold
noun 1. a stain on cloth or the like made by rusty iron or by ink pigmented with an iron derivative.
- Ironmonger
[ahy-ern-muhng-ger, -mong-ger] /ˈaɪ ərnˌmʌŋ gər, -ˌmɒŋ gər/ noun, Chiefly British. 1. a dealer in hardware. /ˈaɪənˌmʌŋɡə/ noun 1. (Brit) a dealer in metal utensils, hardware, locks, etc US and Canadian equivalent hardware dealer [IBM] A hardware specialist (derogatory). Compare sandbender, polygon pusher. [Jargon File]
- Ironmongeries
[ahy-ern-muhng-guh-ree, -mong-] /ˈaɪ ərnˌmʌŋ gə ri, -ˌmɒŋ-/ noun, plural ironmongeries. British. 1. a hardware store or business. 2. the stock of a hardware store; hardware.
- Ironmongery
[ahy-ern-muhng-guh-ree, -mong-] /ˈaɪ ərnˌmʌŋ gə ri, -ˌmɒŋ-/ noun, plural ironmongeries. British. 1. a hardware store or business. 2. the stock of a hardware store; hardware.
- Iron-monoxide
noun, Chemistry. 1. . noun, Chemistry. 1. a black powder, FeO, insoluble in water, soluble in acid. ferrous oxide A black powder used to make steel, green heat-absorbing glass, and enamels. Chemical formula: FeO.