[ahy-ron-i-kuh l] /aɪˈrɒn ɪ kəl/
pertaining to, of the nature of, exhibiting, or characterized by or mockery:
an ironical compliment; an ironical smile.
using or prone to :
an ironical speaker.
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- Ironically
[ahy-ron-i-kuh l] /aɪˈrɒn ɪ kəl/ adjective 1. pertaining to, of the nature of, exhibiting, or characterized by or mockery: an ironical compliment; an ironical smile. 2. using or prone to : an ironical speaker. /aɪˈrɒnɪkəlɪ/ adverb 1. (sentence modifier) it is ironic that: ironically, McCoist has never scored against Rangers 2. in an ironic manner: […]
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[ahy-ruh-nee, ahy-er-] /ˈaɪ rə ni, ˈaɪ ər-/ noun, plural ironies. 1. the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning: the irony of her reply, “How nice!” when I said I had to work all weekend. 2. Literature. 3. . 4. . 5. an outcome of events contrary […]
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noun 1. a flat, cloth-covered board or other surface, often foldable and having legs, on which clothing, linens, or similar articles are ironed. noun 1. a board, usually on legs, with a suitable covering on which to iron clothes
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[ahy-ruh-nist] /ˈaɪ rə nɪst/ noun 1. a person who uses habitually, especially a writer.