The International Standard for MPEG-1 compression.
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standard The International Standard for MPEG-2 compression. (1999-01-06)
- Isa
1. . abbreviation 1. International Standard Atmosphere 2. Interim Standard Atmosphere /ˈaɪsə/ noun acronym 1. individual savings account: a tax-free savings scheme introduced in Britain in 1999 1. Integrated Systems Architecture. 2. International Smalltalk Association. 3. instruction set architecture. 4. Industry Standard Architecture. (1997-02-13) 1. Industry Standard Architecture 2. Instrument Society of America 3. International […]
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noun a relationship within a hierarchy showing that an entity is a type of another entity, e.g. a cat IS-A mammal Examples Inheritance through IS-As can be very important in computer programming.
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[ahy-zuh k] /ˈaɪ zək/ noun 1. a son of Abraham and Sarah, and father of Jacob. Gen. 21:1–4. 2. a male given name: from a Hebrew word meaning “laughter.”. /ˈaɪzək/ noun 1. an Old Testament patriarch, the son of Abraham and Sarah and father of Jacob and Esau (Genesis 17; 21–27) masc. proper name, name […]
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[sing-er] /ˈsɪŋ ər/ noun 1. Isaac Bashevis [bah-shev-is] /bɑˈʃɛv ɪs/ (Show IPA), 1904–91, U.S. novelist and short-story writer (in Yiddish), born in Poland: Nobel prize 1978. 2. Isaac Merrit [mer-it] /ˈmɛr ɪt/ (Show IPA), 1811–75, U.S. inventor. /ˈsɪŋə/ noun 1. a person who sings, esp one who earns a living by singing 2. a singing […]