Isaac bashevis singer
[sing-er] /ˈsɪŋ ər/
Isaac Bashevis
[bah-shev-is] /bɑˈʃɛv ɪs/ (Show IPA), 1904–91, U.S. novelist and short-story writer (in Yiddish), born in Poland: Nobel prize 1978.
Isaac Merrit
[mer-it] /ˈmɛr ɪt/ (Show IPA), 1811–75, U.S. inventor.
a person who sings, esp one who earns a living by singing
a singing bird
an obsolete word for poet
Isaac Bashevis. 1904–91, US writer of Yiddish novels and short stories; born in Poland. His works include Satan in Goray (1935), The Family Moscat (1950), the autobiographical In my Father’s Court (1966), and The King of the Fields (1989): Nobel prize for literature 1978
Isaac Merrit. 1811–75, US inventor, who originated and developed an improved chain-stitch sewing machine (1852)
early 14c. (mid-13c. as a surname), agent noun from sing (v.). Old English had songer “psalm-writer,” sangere “singer, poet” (also cf. songster).
A city or region of a city with attractions that are sinful, such as gambling, prostitution, etc: Las Vegas, the Sin City (1973+)
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