Isaac stern
[sturn] /stɜrn/
Isaac, 1920–2001, U.S. violinist, born in Russia.
Otto, 1888–1969, U.S. physicist, born in Germany: Nobel prize 1943.
showing uncompromising or inflexible resolve; firm, strict, or authoritarian
lacking leniency or clemency; harsh or severe
relentless; unyielding: the stern demands of parenthood
having an austere or forbidding appearance or nature
the rear or after part of a vessel, opposite the bow or stem
the rear part of any object
the tail of certain breeds of dog, such as the foxhound or beagle
relating to or located at the stern
Isaac. 1920–2001, US concert violinist, born in (what is now) Ukraine
Old English styrne “severe, strict,” from Proto-Germanic *sternijaz (cf. Middle High German sterre, German starr “stiff,” störrig “obstinate;” Gothic andstaurran “to be stiff;” Old Norse stara; Old English starian “to look or gaze upon”), from PIE root *ster-, *star- “be rigid” (see sterile).
c.1300, “hind part of a ship, steering gear of a ship,” probably from Old Norse stjorn “a steering,” related to styra “to guide” (see steer (v.)). Or the word may come from Old Frisian stiarne “rudder,” which is also related to steer (v.).
see: from soup to nuts (stem to stern)
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