[iz-uh-bel] /ˈɪz əˌbɛl/
a female given name.
fem. proper name, a form of Elizabeth that seems to have developed in Provence. A popular name in Middle Ages; pet forms included Ibb, Libbe, Nibb, Tibb, Bibby, and Ellice. The Spanish form was Isabella, which is attested as a color name (“greyish-yellow”) from 1600; the Isabella who gave her name to it has not been identified. Related: Isabelline.
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[iz-uh-bel-uh; Spanish ee-sah-ve-lah] /ˌɪz əˈbɛl ə; Spanish ˌi sɑˈvɛ lɑ/ noun 1. a city in NW Puerto Rico. 2. former name of (def 2).
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[iz-uh-bel-uh] /ˌɪz əˈbɛl ə/ noun 1. (Isabella, or the Pot of Basil),a narrative poem (1820) by John Keats. noun 1. (“the Catholic”) 1451–1504, wife of Ferdinand V: queen of Castile 1474–1504; joint ruler of Aragon 1479–1504. /ˌɪzəˈbɛlə/ noun 1. /ˌɪzəˈbɛlə/ noun 1. original name Elizabeth Farnese. 1692–1766, second wife (1714–46) of Philip V of Spain […]
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