
[jah-yuh-poo r-uh] /ˌdʒɑ yəˈpʊər ə/

[jah-yuh-poo r-uh] /ˌdʒɑ yəˈpʊər ə/
a city in and the capital of Irian Jaya, on the NE coast, in Indonesia.
[jah-yuh-poo r-uh] /ˌdʒɑ yəˈpʊər ə/
the former spelling of Jayapura
a port in NE Indonesia, capital of Papua (formerly Irian Jaya), on the N coast. Pop: 155 548 (2000) Former spelling Djajapura Former names Sukarnapura, Kotabaru, Hollandia

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