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    [kee-stohn] /ˈkiˌstoʊn/ noun 1. the wedge-shaped piece at the summit of an arch, regarded as holding the other pieces in place. 2. something on which associated things depend: the keystone of one’s philosophy. 3. Also called keystone sack. Baseball Slang. (def 1). /ˈkiːˌstəʊn/ noun 1. Also called headstone, quoin. the central stone at the top […]

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    noun 1. a reinforced-concrete joist with sloping sides and the top wider than the bottom.

  • Keystone-kop

    [kop] /kɒp/ noun 1. Usually, Keystone Kops. (in early silent movies) a team of comic policemen noted for their slapstick routines. 2. Also, Keystone Cop. a person noted for bungling inefficiency: a backfield of Keystone Kops.

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    [kee-stoh-ner] /ˈkiˌstoʊ nər/ noun, Informal. 1. a native or inhabitant of Pennsylvania (used as a nickname).

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