
[kœ-nikhs-berk; English key-nigz-burg] /ˈkœ nɪxsˌbɛrk; English ˈkeɪ nɪgzˌbɜrg/

German name of .
a former province in NE Germany: an enclave separated from Germany by the Polish Corridor; now divided between Poland and the Russian Federation. 14,283 sq. mi. (36,993 sq. km).
Capital: Königsberg.
a former province of NE Germany on the Baltic Sea: separated in 1919 from the rest of Germany by the Polish Corridor and Danzig: in 1945 Poland received the south part, the Soviet Union the north German name Ostpreussen (ostˈprɔysən)
/ˈkɜːnɪɡzˌbɜːɡ; German ˈkøːnɪçsbɛrk/
the former name (until 1946) of Kaliningrad

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