
[lah-dee-dah] /ˈlɑ diˈdɑ/ Informal.

(used as an expression of derision directed at affected gentility or pretentious refinement.)
affected; pretentious; foppish:
a la-di-da manner.
an affected or pretentious person.
behavior or speech characterized by affected or exaggerated gentility.
(informal) affecting exaggeratedly genteel manners or speech
a la-di-da person

mocking of affected gentility, 1874, in derisive imitation of “swell” way of talking.



A phrase used to mean the equivalent of ”It doesn’t matter”: You’re canceling our date? Oh well, lah-di-dah (1970s+)


A dandyish or sissified man; superrefined and delicate person: Some lah-de-dah with a cane (1883+)


To treat in a nonchalant, offhand manner: The outfielder la-di-da’d the catch (1970s+)

[an imitation of casual and aristocratic speech]

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