stupid; inept
a lame-o excuse
Word Origin
Usage Note
Stupid; inept: That’s a lame-o excuse if I ever heard one
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[leym] /leɪm/ adjective, lamer, lamest. 1. crippled or physically disabled, especially in the foot or leg so as to limp or walk with difficulty. 2. impaired or disabled through defect or injury: a lame arm. 3. weak; inadequate; unsatisfactory; clumsy: a lame excuse. 4. Slang. out of touch with modern fads or trends; unsophisticated. verb […]
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[leym] /leɪm/ adjective, lamer, lamest. 1. crippled or physically disabled, especially in the foot or leg so as to limp or walk with difficulty. 2. impaired or disabled through defect or injury: a lame arm. 3. weak; inadequate; unsatisfactory; clumsy: a lame excuse. 4. Slang. out of touch with modern fads or trends; unsophisticated. verb […]