[lam-uh n-tey-shuh n] /ˌlæm ənˈteɪ ʃən/
the act of or expressing grief.
a .
Lamentations, (used with a singular verb) a book of the Bible, traditionally ascribed to Jeremiah.
Abbreviation: Lam.
a lament; expression of sorrow
the act of lamenting
late 14c., from Old French lamentacion and directly from Latin lamentationem (nominative lamentatio) “wailing, moaning, weeping,” noun of action from past participle stem of lamentari “to wail, moan, weep, lament,” from lamentum “a wailing,” from PIE root *la- “to shout, cry,” probably ultimately imitative. Replaced Old English cwiþan.
(Heb. qinah), an elegy or dirge. The first example of this form of poetry is the lament of David over Saul and Jonathan (2 Sam. 1:17-27). It was a frequent accompaniment of mourning (Amos 8:10). In 2 Sam. 3:33, 34 is recorded David’s lament over Abner. Prophecy sometimes took the form of a lament when it predicted calamity (Ezek. 27:2, 32; 28:12; 32:2, 16).
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[lam-uh n-tey-shuh n] /ˌlæm ənˈteɪ ʃən/ noun 1. the act of or expressing grief. 2. a . 3. Lamentations, (used with a singular verb) a book of the Bible, traditionally ascribed to Jeremiah. Abbreviation: Lam. /ˌlæmɛnˈteɪʃənz/ noun (functioning as sing) 1. a book of the Old Testament, traditionally ascribed to the prophet Jeremiah, lamenting the […]
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[luh-ment] /ləˈmɛnt/ verb (used with object) 1. to feel or express sorrow or regret for: to lament his absence. 2. to mourn for or over. verb (used without object) 3. to feel, show, or express grief, sorrow, or regret. 4. to mourn deeply. noun 5. an expression of grief or sorrow. 6. a formal expression […]
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[luh-ment] /ləˈmɛnt/ verb (used with object) 1. to feel or express sorrow or regret for: to lament his absence. 2. to mourn for or over. verb (used without object) 3. to feel, show, or express grief, sorrow, or regret. 4. to mourn deeply. noun 5. an expression of grief or sorrow. 6. a formal expression […]
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[luh-ment] /ləˈmɛnt/ verb (used with object) 1. to feel or express sorrow or regret for: to lament his absence. 2. to mourn for or over. verb (used without object) 3. to feel, show, or express grief, sorrow, or regret. 4. to mourn deeply. noun 5. an expression of grief or sorrow. 6. a formal expression […]