[verb lam-uh-neyt; adjective, noun lam-uh-neyt, -nit] /verb ˈlæm əˌneɪt; adjective, noun ˈlæm əˌneɪt, -nɪt/
verb (used with object), laminated, laminating.
to separate or split into thin layers.
to form (metal) into a thin plate, as by beating or rolling.
to construct from layers of material bonded together.
to cover or overlay with .
verb (used without object), laminated, laminating.
to split into thin layers.
Also, laminous. composed of or having laminae.
a product; .
verb (ˈlæmɪˌneɪt)
(transitive) to make (material in sheet form) by bonding together two or more thin sheets
to split or be split into thin sheets
(transitive) to beat, form, or press (material, esp metal) into thin sheets
(transitive) to cover or overlay with a thin sheet of material
noun (ˈlæmɪˌneɪt; -nɪt)
a material made by bonding together two or more sheets
adjective (ˈlæmɪˌneɪt; -nɪt)
having or composed of lamina; laminated
1660s, “to beat or roll into thin plates,” from Latin lamina “thin piece of metal or wood, thin slice, plate, leaf, layer,” of unknown origin. Many modern senses are from the noun meaning “an artificial thin layer” (1939), especially a type of plastic adhesive. Related: Laminated; laminating.
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