[lam-uh-nahy-tis] /ˌlæm əˈnaɪ tɪs/
noun, Veterinary Pathology.
inflammation of sensitive in the hoof of a horse, caused by stressful events, as trauma, infection, or parturition.
inflammation of the laminated tissue structure to which the hoof is attached, esp in horses and cattle Also called founder
laminitis lam·i·ni·tis (lām’ə-nī’tĭs)
Inflammation of a lamina. Also called founder1.
Read Also:
- Lamino-
1. a combining form representing laminal, in compound words.
- Lamino-alveolar
[lam-uh-noh-al-vee-uh-ler] /ˌlæm ə noʊ ælˈvi ə lər/ adjective, Phonetics. 1. articulated with the blade of the tongue approaching the alveolar ridge. noun 2. a lamino-alveolar sound, as the Cockney pronunciation of t in tea.
- Laminose
[lam-uh-nohs] /ˈlæm əˌnoʊs/ adjective 1. laminate; laminar.
- Laminotomy
laminotomy lam·i·not·o·my (lām’ə-nŏt’ə-mē) n. Surgical division of one or more vertebral laminae.
- Laminous
[lam-uh-nuh s] /ˈlæm ə nəs/ adjective 1. laminate; laminose.