a combining form representing laminal, in compound words.
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- Lamino-alveolar
[lam-uh-noh-al-vee-uh-ler] /ˌlæm ə noʊ ælˈvi ə lər/ adjective, Phonetics. 1. articulated with the blade of the tongue approaching the alveolar ridge. noun 2. a lamino-alveolar sound, as the Cockney pronunciation of t in tea.
- Laminose
[lam-uh-nohs] /ˈlæm əˌnoʊs/ adjective 1. laminate; laminar.
- Laminotomy
laminotomy lam·i·not·o·my (lām’ə-nŏt’ə-mē) n. Surgical division of one or more vertebral laminae.
- Laminous
[lam-uh-nuh s] /ˈlæm ə nəs/ adjective 1. laminate; laminose.
- La-mirada
[lah mi-rah-duh] /ˌlɑ mɪˈrɑ də/ noun 1. a city in SW California.