[lam-perz] /ˈlæm pərz/
noun, (used with a singular verb) Veterinary Pathology.
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[lamp] /læmp/ noun 1. any of various devices furnishing artificial light, as by electricity or gas. Compare , . 2. a container for an inflammable liquid, as oil, which is burned at a wick as a means of illumination. 3. a source of intellectual or spiritual light: the lamp of learning. 4. any of various […]
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[lam-pee-uh n] /ˈlæm pi ən/ noun 1. a small lamp, especially a small oil lamp with a tinted glass chimney, formerly very popular as a source of illumination on carriages. /ˈlæmpɪən/ noun 1. an oil-burning lamp
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[lamp-lahyt] /ˈlæmpˌlaɪt/ noun 1. the thrown by a . n. also lamp-light, late 14c., from lamp + light (n.).
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[lamp-lahy-ter] /ˈlæmpˌlaɪ tər/ noun 1. a person employed to light and extinguish street , especially those burning gas. 2. a contrivance for lighting lamps. /ˈlæmpˌlaɪtə/ noun 1. (formerly) a person who lit and extinguished street lamps, esp gas ones 2. (mainly US & Canadian) any of various devices used to light lamps
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noun, South Midland and Southern U.S. 1. .