any of various ships designed for transporting troops and heavy equipment in amphibious warfare, capable of making assault landings directly onto a beach.
Read Also:
- Landing speed
noun 1. the minimum air speed at which an aircraft lands safely
- Landing-strake
noun, Shipbuilding. 1. the next strake of planking in an open boat below the sheer strake.
- Landing-stage
noun 1. a floating platform used as a wharf. noun 1. a platform used for landing goods and passengers from a vessel
- Landing-strip
noun 1. . noun 1. another name for airstrip
- Landing-tee
noun, Aeronautics. 1. . [wind] /wɪnd/ noun 1. a large, T -shaped weather vane on or near an airfield. /wɪnd/ noun 1. a large weather vane shaped like a T, located at an airfield to indicate the wind direction