
[last, lahst] /læst, lɑst/

verb (used without object)
to go on or continue in time:
The festival lasted three weeks.
to continue unexpended or unexhausted; be enough:
We’ll enjoy ourselves while our money lasts.
to continue in force, vigor, effectiveness, etc.:
to last for the whole course.
to continue or remain in usable condition for a reasonable period of time:
They were handsome shoes but they didn’t last.
verb (used with object)
to continue to survive for the duration of (often followed by out):
They lasted the war in Switzerland.
adjective (often prenominal)
being, happening, or coming at the end or after all others: the last horse in the race
being or occurring just before the present; most recent: last Thursday
last but not least, coming last in order but nevertheless important
last but one, next to last
only remaining: one’s last cigarette
most extreme; utmost
least suitable, appropriate, or likely: he was the last person I would have chosen
(esp relating to the end of a person’s life or of the world)

(postpositive) (Liverpool, dialect) inferior, unpleasant, or contemptible: this ale is last
after all others; at or in the end: he came last

(sentence modifier) as the last or latest item
the last

one’s last moments before death
the last thing a person can do (esp in the phrase breathe one’s last)
the final appearance, mention, or occurrence: we’ve seen the last of him
at last, in the end; finally
at long last, finally, after difficulty, delay, or irritation
when intr, often foll by for. to remain in being (for a length of time); continue: his hatred lasted for several years
to be sufficient for the needs of (a person) for (a length of time): it will last us until Friday
when intr, often foll by for. to remain fresh, uninjured, or unaltered (for a certain time or duration): he lasted for three hours underground
the wooden or metal form on which a shoe or boot is fashioned or repaired
(transitive) to fit (a shoe or boot) on a last
a unit of weight or capacity having various values in different places and for different commodities. Commonly used values are 2 tons, 2000 pounds, 80 bushels, or 640 gallons
adj., adv.

“following all others,” from Old English latost (adj.) and lætest (adv.), superlative of læt (see late). Cognate with Old Frisian lest, Dutch laatst, Old High German laggost, German letzt. Meaning “most recent” is from c.1200. The noun, “last person or thing,” is c.1200, from the adjective. Last hurrah is from the title of Edwin O’Connor’s 1956 novel. Last word “final, definitive statement” is from 1650s. A dying person’s last words so called by 1740. As an adjective, last-minute attested from 1913. Last-chance (adj.) is from 1962.

“endure, go on existing,” from Old English læstan “to continue, endure,” earlier “accomplish, carry out,” literally “to follow a track,” from Proto-Germanic *laistjan “to follow a track” (cf. Gothic laistjan “to follow,” Old Frisian lasta “to fulfill, to pay (duties),” German leisten “to perform, achieve, afford”), from PIE *leis- “track, furrow.”

Related to last (n.), not to last (adj.). Related: Lasted; lasting.

“shoemaker’s block,” from Old English læste, from last “track, footprint, trace,” from Proto-Germanic *laist- (cf. Old Norse leistr “the foot,” Middle Dutch, Dutch leest “form, model, last,” Old High German leist “track, footprint,” German Leisten “last,” Gothic laistjan “to follow,” Old English læran “to teach”); see last (v.).

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