[lat-uh-rahyt] /ˈlæt əˌraɪt/
noun, Geology.
a reddish ferruginous soil formed in tropical regions by the decomposition of the underlying rocks.
a similar soil formed of materials deposited by water.
any soil produced by the decomposition of the rocks beneath it.
any of a group of deposits consisting of residual insoluble deposits of ferric and aluminium oxides: formed by weathering of rocks in tropical regions
A red, porous, claylike soil formed by the leaching of silica-rich components and enrichment of aluminum and iron hydroxides. They are especially common in humid climates. Laterites that are poor in iron oxides and rich in aluminum oxides are called bauxites. Also called latosol. See more at bauxite.
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[lat-uh-rahyt] /ˈlæt əˌraɪt/ noun, Geology. 1. a reddish ferruginous soil formed in tropical regions by the decomposition of the underlying rocks. 2. a similar soil formed of materials deposited by water. 3. any soil produced by the decomposition of the rocks beneath it. /ˈlætəˌraɪt/ noun 1. any of a group of deposits consisting of residual […]
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[lat-er-uh-zey-shuh n] /ˌlæt ər əˈzeɪ ʃən/ noun, Geology. 1. the weathering process by which rock is changed to laterite. laterization (lāt’ə-rĭ-zā’shən) The weathering process by which soils and rocks are depleted of soluble substances, such as silica-rich and alkaline components and enriched with insoluble substances, such as hydrated aluminum and iron oxides. Laterization is especially […]
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latero- pref. Side; lateral: lateroversion.
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