
/German ˈlauda/
Niki (ˈnɪki). born 1949, Austrian motor-racing driver: Formula One world champion 1975, 1977, 1984

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    [law-duh-buh l] /ˈlɔ də bəl/ adjective 1. deserving praise; praiseworthy; commendable: Reorganizing the files was a laudable idea. 2. Medicine/Medical Obsolete. healthy; wholesome; not noxious. /ˈlɔːdəbəl/ adjective 1. deserving or worthy of praise; admirable; commendable adj. early 15c., from Old French laudable and directly from Latin laudabilis “praiseworthy,” from laudare (see laud). Related: Laudably. laudable […]

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