
[law-ren-see-uh m] /lɔˈrɛn si əm/

noun, Chemistry.
a synthetic, radioactive, metallic element. Symbol: Lr; atomic number: 103.
/lɒˈrɛnsɪəm; lɔː-/
a transuranic element artificially produced from californium. Symbol: Lr; atomic no: 103; half-life of most stable isotope, 256Lr: 35 seconds; valency: 3

1961, Modern Latin, from the name of Ernest O. Lawrence (1901-1958), U.S. physicist, cyclotron pioneer and founder of the lab where it was discovered.

lawrencium law·ren·ci·um (lô-rěn’sē-əm, lō-)
Symbol Lr
A radioactive synthetic element produced from californium and having isotopes with mass numbers 253 through 260 and half-lives of 650 milliseconds to 3 minutes; atomic number 103.
Symbol Lr
A synthetic, radioactive metallic element of the actinide series that is produced by bombarding californium with boron ions. Its most stable isotope is Lr 262 with a half-life of 3.6 hours. Atomic number 103. See Periodic Table.

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