[laz-er, ley-zer] /ˈlæz ər, ˈleɪ zər/
a person infected with a disease, especially leprosy.
an archaic word for leper
“filthy beggar, leper,” c.1300, from Medieval Latin lazarus “leper,” from the Biblical name (see Lazarus).
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[laz-uh-ret-oh] /ˌlæz əˈrɛt oʊ/ noun, plural lazarettos. 1. a hospital for those affected with contagious diseases, especially leprosy. 2. a building or a ship set apart for quarantine purposes. 3. Also called glory hole. Nautical. a small storeroom within the hull of a ship, especially one at the extreme stern. /ˌlæzəˈrɛtəʊ/ noun (pl) -rettos, -rets, […]
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