/l*’d*b/ [PDP-10 instruction] To extract from the middle. “LDB me a slice of cake, please.” This usage has been kept alive by Common LISP’s function of the same name. Considered silly. See also DPB.
[Jargon File]
liquidity data bank
[Genetic] Location Database
Read Also:
1. less developed country. less developed country
- L-d converter
noun 1. (metallurgy) a vessel in which steel is made from pig iron by blowing oxygen into the molten metal through a water-cooled tube
- Ldd
light-duty diesel
- Ldg
1. . 2. . abbreviation 1. leading: Ldg seaman 1. landing 2. loading
1. Biochemistry. lactate dehydrogenase. LDH abbr. lactate dehydrogenase 1. lactate dehydrogenase 2. lactic dehydrogenase