[led] /lɛd/
noun, Ceramics.
a siliceous glaze containing lead oxide as a flux.
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- Lead-glass
[led] /lɛd/ noun 1. glass containing lead oxide. /lɛd/ noun 1. glass that contains lead oxide as a flux
- Lead-in
[leed-in] /ˈlidˌɪn/ noun 1. something that leads in or introduces; introduction; opening. 2. Radio, Television. adjective 3. (of a conductor) carrying input to an electric or electronic device or circuit, especially from an antenna. /ˈliːdˌɪn/ noun 1. 2. the connection between a radio transmitter, receiver, etc, and the aerial or transmission line
- Leading
[lee-ding] /ˈli dɪŋ/ adjective 1. chief; principal; most important; foremost: a leading toy manufacturer. 2. coming in advance of others; first: We rode in the leading car. 3. directing, guiding. noun 4. the act of a person or thing that . [led-ing] /ˈlɛd ɪŋ/ noun 1. a covering or framing of : the leading of […]
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[lee-ding] /ˈli dɪŋ/ noun, Journalism. 1. Also called leader. the most important or prominent news story in a newspaper. 2. British. (def 5b). /ˈliːdɪŋ/ noun (journalism) 1. another term for leader (sense 6) 2. (mainly US) the article given most prominence in a magazine or newspaper
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/ˈliːdɪŋ/ noun 1. (Brit, air force) the rank above aircraftman