Nautical. .
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- Leaderboard
/ˈliːdəˌbɔːd/ noun 1. a board displaying the names and current scores of the leading competitors, esp in a golf tournament
- Leader-board
noun 1. a board on which the scores of the leading competitors are displayed, as in a golf tournament. noun a scoreboard showing the top performers in a competition, esp. a golf tournament
- Leader-head
noun 1. a boxlike head of a downspout connected to a gutter.
- Leader-cable
noun, Nautical. 1. a submarine cable laid along a channel and emitting signals that a vessel can follow when visibility is poor.
- Leaderless
[lee-der] /ˈli dər/ noun 1. a person or thing that leads. 2. a guiding or directing head, as of an army, movement, or political group. 3. Music. 4. a featured article of trade, especially one offered at a low price to attract customers. Compare . 5. Journalism. 6. blank film or tape at the beginning […]