[led-foo t] /ˈlɛdˌfʊt/
noun, plural leadfoots, leadfeet. Informal.
a person who drives a motor vehicle too fast, especially habitually.
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- Lead-foot
[led-foo t] /ˈlɛdˌfʊt/ noun, plural leadfoots, leadfeet. Informal. 1. a person who drives a motor vehicle too fast, especially habitually. verb To drive fast: Starting Friday, speeders will pay an extra $20 when caught lead-footing (1940s+ Truckers)
- Leadfooted
[led-foo t-id] /ˈlɛdˈfʊt ɪd/ adjective, Informal. 1. awkward; clumsy. 2. tending to drive too fast.
- Lead-footed
[led-foo t-id] /ˈlɛdˈfʊt ɪd/ adjective, Informal. 1. awkward; clumsy. 2. tending to drive too fast. adjective clumsy and slow Related Terms fast lane, hammer lane, in the straight lane
- Lead-free
[led-free] /ˈlɛdˈfri/ adjective 1. . /ˌlɛdˈfriː/ adjective 1. See unleaded (sense 1)
- Lead-glaze
[led] /lɛd/ noun, Ceramics. 1. a siliceous glaze containing lead oxide as a flux.