[lee-fij] /ˈli fɪdʒ/
a less common word for foliage
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- Leaf-beet
noun 1. . [chahrd] /tʃɑrd/ noun 1. a variety of beet, Beta vulgaris cicla, having leaves and leafstalks that are used as a vegetable. /tʃɑːd/ noun 1. a variety of beet, Beta vulgaris cicla, with large succulent leaves and thick stalks, used as a vegetable Also called Swiss chard, leaf beet, seakale beet noun 1. […]
- Leaf-beetle
noun 1. any of numerous, often brightly colored beetles of the family Chrysomelidae, that feed on the leaves of plants, the larvae of which infest the roots, stem, and leaves. noun 1. any of a large family of beetles (Chrysomelidae) that includes more than 25,000 species, mostly leaf feeders and mostly brightly coloured, with a […]
- Leafbird
[leef-burd] /ˈlifˌbɜrd/ noun 1. any of several greenish, passerine of the genus Chloropsis, of Asia, related to the bulbuls, and often kept as pets.
- Leaf-blight
noun, Plant Pathology. 1. a symptom or phase of many diseases of plants, characterized by necrotic spots or streaks on the leaves, accompanied by seed rot and seedling blight. 2. any disease so characterized.
- Leaf-blotch
noun, Plant Pathology. 1. a symptom or phase of certain especially fungal diseases of plants, characterized by necrotic discoloration of the leaves. 2. any disease so characterized.