
[lep-erd] /ˈlɛp ərd/

a large, spotted Asian or African carnivore, Panthera pardus, of the cat family, usually tawny with black markings; the Old World panther: all leopard populations are threatened or endangered.
the fur or pelt of this animal.
any of various related cats resembling this animal.
Heraldry. a lion represented from the side as walking, usually with one forepaw raised, and looking toward the spectator.

(initial capital letter) Military. a 42-ton (38-metric ton) West German tank with a 105mm gun.
Also called panther. a large feline mammal, Panthera pardus, of forests of Africa and Asia, usually having a tawny yellow coat with black rosette-like spots
any of several similar felines, such as the snow leopard and cheetah
clouded leopard, a feline, Neofelis nebulosa, of SE Asia and Indonesia with a yellowish-brown coat marked with darker spots and blotches
(heraldry) a stylized leopard, painted as a lion with the face turned towards the front
the pelt of a leopard

late 13c., from Old French lebard, leupart (12c., Modern French léopard), from Late Latin leopardus, literally “lion-pard,” from Greek leopardos, from leon “lion” + pardos “male panther,” which generally is said to be connected to Sanskrit prdakuh “panther, tiger.” The animal was thought in ancient times to be a hybrid of these two species.

(Heb. namer, so called because spotted, Cant. 4:8), was that great spotted feline which anciently infested the mountains of Syria, more appropriately called a panther (Felis pardus). Its fierceness (Isa. 11:6), its watching for its prey (Jer. 5:6), its swiftness (Hab. 1:8), and the spots of its skin (Jer. 13:23), are noticed. This word is used symbolically (Dan. 7:6; Rev. 13:2).

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