Leukocytoclastic vasculitis
leukocytoclastic vasculitis leu·ko·cy·to·clas·tic vasculitis (lōō’kə-sī’tə-klās’tĭk)
Acute cutaneous vasculitis that is characterized by purpura, especially of the legs, and by exudation of neutrophils and sometimes fibrin around dermal venules, with extravasation of red blood cells.
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[loo-kuh-pee-nee-uh] /ˌlu kəˈpi ni ə/ noun, Medicine/Medical. 1. a decrease in the number of white blood cells in the blood. leukocytopenia leu·ko·cy·to·pe·ni·a (lōō’kə-sī’tə-pē’nē-ə) n. See leukopenia. leukopenia leu·ko·pe·ni·a or leu·co·pe·ni·a (lōō’kə-pē’nē-ə) n. An abnormally low number of white blood cells in the circulating blood. Also called leukocytopenia. leu’ko·pe’nic adj.
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