
[lev-ee] /ˈlɛv i/

an embankment designed to prevent the flooding of a river.
Geology. .
Agriculture. one of the small continuous ridges surrounding fields that are to be irrigated.
History/Historical. a landing place for ships; quay.
verb (used with object), leveed, leveeing.
to furnish with a levee:
to levee a treacherous stream.
noun (US)
an embankment alongside a river, produced naturally by sedimentation or constructed by man to prevent flooding
an embankment that surrounds a field that is to be irrigated
a landing place on a river; quay
/ˈlɛvɪ; ˈlɛveɪ/
a formal reception held by a sovereign just after rising from bed
(in Britain) a public court reception for men, held in the early afternoon

1719, “natural or artificial embankment to prevent overflow of a river,” from New Orleans French levée “raising, lifting; embankment,” from French, originally fem. past participle of lever “to raise,” from Latin levare “to raise” (see lever).

“morning assembly held by a prince or king (upon rising from bed),” 1670s, from French lever “a raising,” noun use of verb meaning “to raise” (see levee (n.1)).

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