[lev-er-ij, lee-ver-] /ˈlɛv ər ɪdʒ, ˈli vər-/
the action of a , a rigid bar that pivots about one point and that is used to move an object at a second point by a force applied at a third.
the mechanical advantage or power gained by using a lever.
power or ability to act or to influence people, events, decisions, etc.; sway:
Being the only industry in town gave the company considerable leverage in its union negotiations.
Synonyms: advantage, strength, weight; clout, pull.
the use of a small initial investment, credit, or borrowed funds to gain a very high return in relation to one’s investment, to control a much larger investment, or to reduce one’s own liability for any loss.
verb (used with object), leveraged, leveraging.
to use (a quality or advantage) to obtain a desired effect or result:
She was able to leverage her travel experience and her gift for languages to get a job as a translator.
to provide with leverage:
The board of directors plans to leverage two failing branches of the company with an influx of cash.
to invest or arrange (invested funds) using leverage.
to exert power or influence on:
It was Joe who leveraged her to change her habits.
/ˈliːvərɪdʒ; -vrɪdʒ; ˈlɛv-/
the action of a lever
the mechanical advantage gained by employing a lever
power to accomplish something; strategic advantage
the enhanced power available to a large company: the supermarket chains have greater leverage than single-outlet enterprises
US word for gearing (sense 3)
the use made by a company of its limited assets to guarantee the substantial loans required to finance its business
1724, “action of a lever,” from lever (n.) + -age. Meaning “power or force of a lever” is from 1827; figurative sense from 1858. The financial sense is attested by 1933, American English; as a verb by 1956. Related: Leveraged; leverages; leveraging.
The amount in which a purchase is paid for in borrowed money. The greater the leverage, the greater the possible gain or potential loss.
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