
[lohth, lohth] /loʊθ, loʊð/

unwilling; reluctant; disinclined; averse:
to be loath to admit a mistake.
[lohth] /loʊð/
verb (used with object), loathed, loathing.
to feel disgust or intense aversion for; abhor:
I loathe people who spread malicious gossip.
(usually foll by to) reluctant or unwilling
nothing loath, willing
(transitive) to feel strong hatred or disgust for

Old English lað “hated; hateful; hostile; repulsive,” from Proto-Germanic *laithaz (cf. Old Saxon, Old Frisian leth “loathsome,” Old Norse leiðr “hateful, hostile, loathed;” Middle Dutch lelijc, Dutch leelijk “ugly;” Old High German leid “sorrowful, hateful, offensive, grievous,” German Leid “sorrow;” French laid “ugly,” from Frankish *laid), from PIE root *leit- “to detest.”

Weakened meaning “averse, disinclined” is attested from late 14c. Loath to depart, a line from some long-forgotten song, is recorded since 1580s as a generic term expressive of any tune played at farewells, the sailing of a ship, etc. Related: Loathness.

Old English laðian “to hate, to be disgusted with,” from lað “hostile” (see loath). Cognate with Old Saxon lethon, Old Norse leiða. Related: Loathed; loathing.

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