
[lawf-tee, lof-] /ˈlɔf ti, ˈlɒf-/

adjective, loftier, loftiest.
extending high in the air; of imposing height; towering:
lofty mountains.
exalted in rank, dignity, or character; eminent.
elevated in style, tone, or sentiment, as writings or speech.
arrogantly or condescendingly superior in manner; haughty:
to treat someone in a lofty manner.
Nautical. noting a rig of a sailing ship having extraordinarily high masts.
(of fabric or yarn) thick and resilient.
adjective loftier, loftiest
of majestic or imposing height
exalted or noble in character or nature
haughty or supercilious
elevated, eminent, or superior

“exalted, of high rank,” early 15c.; also “with a high purpose,” from loft + -y (2). From early 14c. as a surname. Literal sense of “high” is attested from 1580s. Related: Loftily; loftiness.

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