Long mark
another name for macron
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- Longmeadow
[lawng-med-oh, -med-oh, long-] /ˈlɔŋˌmɛd oʊ, -ˈmɛd oʊ, ˈlɒŋ-/ noun 1. a town in S Massachusetts.
- Long-measure
noun 1. Also called long meter. Prosody. a four-line stanza in iambic tetrameter, often used in hymns, with the second and fourth lines rhyming and sometimes the first and third lines rhyming as well. 2. . noun 1. another name for linear measure
- Long metre
noun 1. a stanzaic form consisting of four octosyllabic lines, used esp for hymns
- Longmont
[lawng-mont, long-] /ˈlɔŋ mɒnt, ˈlɒŋ-/ noun 1. a city in N central Colorado.
- Long-moss
noun 1. . noun 1. another name for Spanish moss