Look like death
Also, look or feel like death warmed over. Look or feel very ill or exhausted. For example, After two nights without sleep, Bill looked like death warmed over, or This cold makes me feel like death. [ ; 1930s ]
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- Look like death warmed over
verb phrase To look miserable; look ill and exhausted; have a wretched mien: I don’t know what the news was, but Frank looks like death warmed over (1939+)
- Look on the bright side
see: bright side
- Lookout
[loo k-out] /ˈlʊkˌaʊt/ noun 1. the act of looking out or keeping watch. 2. a watch kept, as for something that may happen. 3. a person or group keeping a watch. 4. a station or place from which a watch is kept. 5. an object of care or concern: That’s not my lookout. 6. (def […]
- Lookout-mountain
noun 1. a mountain ridge in Georgia, Tennessee, and Alabama: a battle of the Civil War fought here, near Chattanooga, Tenn. 1863; highest point, 2126 feet (648 meters).
- Look-over
[look-oh-ver] /ˈlɒɒkˌoʊ vər/ noun 1. a brief or superficial examination or reading.