
[luhm-ber] /ˈlʌm bər/

verb (used without object)
to move clumsily or heavily, especially from great or ponderous bulk:
overloaded wagons lumbering down the dirt road.
to make a rumbling noise.
(mainly US & Canadian)


(transitive) to pile together in a disorderly manner
(transitive) to fill up or encumber with useless household articles
(mainly US & Canadian) to convert (the trees) of (a forest) into marketable timber
(transitive) (Brit, informal) to burden with something unpleasant, tedious, etc
(transitive) (Austral) to arrest; imprison
verb (intransitive)
to move awkwardly
an obsolete word for rumble

“timber sawn into rough planks,” 1660s, American English (Massachusetts), earlier “disused bit of furniture; heavy, useless objects” (1550s), probably from lumber (v.), perhaps influenced by Lombard, from the Italian immigrants famous as pawnbrokers and money-lenders in England (see Lombard). Lumbar, Lumbard were old alternative forms of Lombard in English. The evolution of sense then would be because a lumber-house (“pawn shop”) naturally accumulates odds and ends of furniture.

Live Lumber; soldiers or passengers on board a ship are so called by the sailors.

LUMBER HOUSE. A house appropriated by thieves for the reception of their stolen property. [“Dictionary of Buckish Slang, University Wit, and Pickpocket Eloquence,” London, 1811]


“to move clumsily,” c.1300, lomere, probably from a Scandinavian source (cf. dialectal Swedish loma “move slowly, walk heavily,” Old Norse lami “lame”), ultimately cognate with lame (adj.). Related: Lumbered; lumbering.


A bat (1940s+ Baseball)


To take advantage of someone; make someone a scapegoat •Chiefly British: He was totally lumbered. It was a terrible travesty (1845+)

[verb sense fr lumber, ”to fill up or obstruct with lumber,” found by 1642]

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