Lumbocostal ligament
lumbocostal ligament n.
A strong band that unites the twelfth rib with the tips of the transverse processes of the first and second lumbar vertebrae.
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lumboinguinal lum·bo·in·gui·nal (lŭm’bō-ĭng’gwə-nəl) adj. Relating to the lumbar and inguinal regions.
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[luhm-boh-sey-kruh l, ‐sak-ruh l] /ˌlʌm boʊˈseɪ krəl, ‐ˈsæk rəl/ adjective, Anatomy. 1. of, relating to, or involving the and regions or parts of the body. adjective See sacrolumbar lumbosacral lum·bo·sa·cral (lŭm’bō-sā’krəl) adj. Relating to the lumbar vertebrae and the sacrum.
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[luhm-bri-kuh l] /ˈlʌm brɪ kəl/ noun, Anatomy. 1. any of four wormlike muscles in the palm of the hand and in the sole of the foot.
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[luhm-bri-key-lis] /ˌlʌm brɪˈkeɪ lɪs/ noun, plural lumbricales [luhm-bri-key-leez] /ˌlʌm brɪˈkeɪ liz/ (Show IPA). Anatomy. 1. . /ˌlʌmbrɪˈkeɪlɪs/ noun 1. (anatomy) any of the four wormlike muscles in the hand or foot