[luhm-puh n-prohl] /ˈlʌm pənˌproʊl/
noun, Informal.
a member of the .
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[luhm-puh n-proh-li-tair-ee-uh t] /ˈlʌm pənˌproʊ lɪˈtɛər i ət/ noun, (sometimes initial capital letter) (esp. in Marxist theory) 1. the lowest level of the proletariat comprising unskilled workers, vagrants, and criminals and characterized by a lack of class identification and solidarity. /ˌlʌmpənˌprəʊlɪˈtɛərɪət/ noun 1. (esp in Marxist theory) the amorphous urban social group below the proletariat, […]
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[luhm-pee] /ˈlʌm pi/ adjective, lumpier, lumpiest. 1. full of : lumpy gravy. 2. covered with , as a surface. 3. heavy or clumsy, as in movement or style; crude: a lumpy gait; a lumpy narrative. 4. (of water) rough or choppy. /ˈlʌmpɪ/ adjective lumpier, lumpiest 1. full of or having lumps 2. (esp of the […]