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- Lunar-caustic
noun, Medicine/Medical, Chemistry. 1. silver nitrate, AgNO 3 , especially in a sticklike mold, used to cauterize tissues. noun 1. silver nitrate fused into sticks, which were formerly used in cauterizing
- Lunar-day
noun 1. a division of time that is equal to the elapsed time between two consecutive returns of the same terrestrial meridian to the moon.
- Lunar-distance
noun, Navigation. 1. the observed angle between the moon and another celestial body.
- Lunar-excursion-module
noun, (often initial capital letter) U.S. Aerospace. 1. . Abbreviation: LEM.
- Lunar-eclipse
noun 1. See under (def 1a). [ih-klips] /ɪˈklɪps/ noun 1. Astronomy. 2. any obscuration of light. 3. a reduction or loss of splendor, status, reputation, etc.: Scandal caused the eclipse of his career. verb (used with object), eclipsed, eclipsing. 4. to cause to undergo eclipse: The moon eclipsed the sun. 5. to make less outstanding […]