noun, (often initial capital letter) U.S. Aerospace.
Abbreviation: LEM.
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noun 1. See under (def 1a). [ih-klips] /ɪˈklɪps/ noun 1. Astronomy. 2. any obscuration of light. 3. a reduction or loss of splendor, status, reputation, etc.: Scandal caused the eclipse of his career. verb (used with object), eclipsed, eclipsing. 4. to cause to undergo eclipse: The moon eclipsed the sun. 5. to make less outstanding […]
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[loo-nair-ee-uh n] /luˈnɛər i ən/ noun 1. a being supposedly inhabiting the moon. 2. a selenographer. /luːˈnɛərɪən/ noun 1. (archaic) an astronomer concerned with the moon; a selenographer 2. (myth) an inhabitant of the moon
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noun 1. (def 5). [muhnth] /mʌnθ/ noun 1. Also called calendar month. any of the twelve parts, as January or February, into which the calendar year is divided. 2. the time from any day of one to the corresponding day of the next. 3. a period of four weeks or 30 days. 4. Also called […]
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noun, (often initial capital letter) U.S. Aerospace. 1. the portion of the Apollo spacecraft in which two astronauts landed on the moon’s surface and then returned to the orbiting command module. Abbreviation: LM. noun 1. the module used to carry two of the three astronauts on an Apollo spacecraft to the surface of the moon […]
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noun 1. .