[loo-ney-shuh n] /luˈneɪ ʃən/
the period of time from one new moon to the next (about 29½ days); a lunar month.
another name for synodic month See month (sense 6)
“time from one new moon to another,” late 14c., from Medieval Latin lunationem, from luna “moon” (see Luna).
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- Lunchbox
[luhnch-boks] /ˈlʌntʃˌbɒks/ noun 1. a small container, usually of metal or plastic and with a handle, for carrying one’s from home to school or work. /ˈlʌntʃˌbɒks/ noun 1. a container for carrying a packed lunch 2. (Brit & Austral, jocular) a man’s genitals noun a container for regularly carrying one’s midday meal; also written lunch […]
- Lunch
[luhnch] /lʌntʃ/ noun 1. a light midday meal between breakfast and dinner; . 2. any light meal or snack. 3. a restaurant or : Let’s eat at the dairy lunch. verb (used without object) 4. to eat lunch: We lunched quite late today. verb (used with object) 5. to provide lunch for: They lunched us […]
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[luhnch-boks] /ˈlʌntʃˌbɒks/ noun 1. a small container, usually of metal or plastic and with a handle, for carrying one’s from home to school or work. /ˈlʌntʃˌbɒks/ noun 1. a container for carrying a packed lunch 2. (Brit & Austral, jocular) a man’s genitals noun a container for regularly carrying one’s midday meal; also written lunch […]
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